Management of Karnanada (tinnitus) by Dashmoola taila and Ashwagandhadya ghrita: a comparative clinical trial.

  • Kumari Archana PhD scholar; Dept. of Shalyatantra, IPGT&RA, Gujrat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
  • D.B. Vaghela Associate Professor, I/C Hod Department of Shalakya Tantra , Ipgtra Gau Jamnagar, Gujrat India
Keywords: Ashwagandhadya Ghrita, Dashmoola taila, Karnanada and Tinnitus.


Karnanada is the most common complaint encountered in clinical practice of ENT. Tinnitus is the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound. Vata dominant Tridosha along with Rakta presents as the chief pathological factors in the case of Karnanada. Ghrita having property of Samskarasya Anuvartanata when processed with Vatashamaka drugs and having Rasayana guna becomes the best line of treatment for Karna-Nada. The test drugs Ashwagandhadya Ghrita and Dashmoola taila were prepared by following the recommended method mentioned in AFI. Total 30 patients were registered and randomly divided into two groups. An open labelled randomized comparative clinical trial (CTRI /2017/05/008456) dated 05/03/17) has been performed to assess the effect of Ashwagandhadya Ghrita and Dashmoola taila on Karnanada. The effect of treatment was observed both in chief complaints and associated complaints. On the basis of similarity between some etiological factors, symptoms and treatment modalities tinnitus can be correlated with Karnanada. Both the groups have shown highly significant result on Karnanada.

How to Cite
Archana, K., & Vaghela, D. (2020). Management of Karnanada (tinnitus) by Dashmoola taila and Ashwagandhadya ghrita: a comparative clinical trial. The Healer, 1(1), 1-6.
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