Laws Regulating Ayurveda Medicine in Nepal: Critical Study

  • Ramesh Parajuli Asst. Prof. Faculty of Law, Nepal Law Campus, TUKathmandu, Nepal
Keywords: Ayurveda, Allopathy, emergency, cute, treatment, law, prevention, sideeffects


The future of healthy and prosperous Nepal lies in Ayurved rather than Allopathy. Most of the allopathy drugs in Nepal are imported foreign drugs that not only take away our currency but even leave numerous side-effects to patients in the name of curing one particular illness. It is a truthAllopathy is more effective in emergency medical condition for speedy cure. But, the value of ayurveda in preventing people from getting sick is incomparable. By applying the principles of ayurveda in our way of living and by introducing standard ayurveda practices as school level education curriculum of Nepal, we can create healthier Nepal, prosperous Nepal, and selfdependent Nepal. Medicinal values inherent in herbs and raw materials that nature has gifted to us, that grow densly in our garden, jungles, heavenly soil needs to be massively marketed in domestic and international pharmaceutical industry. Herbs and raw materials that we are supplying since long to world cheaply are coming back to Nepal as expensive tablets and packets. Our Health system though recognizes ayurveda, unani and allopathy as three medical systems, government's over attention to allopathy and neglect to ayurveda has brought smile into the faces of medical mafia who want to extend their allopathy market by using all means for commercial motive. Though Ayurveda medicine takes longer time to cure illness and restore health in comparison with allopathic medicine, ayurveda, if made our way of life and art of living, our families, societies and nations will get much healthier. Ayurvedic mode of health care and treatment modality has to be generalized and allopathy is to be limited only in exceptional situation where allopathy is inevitable for restoration of health loss.

How to Cite
Parajuli, R. (2020). Laws Regulating Ayurveda Medicine in Nepal: Critical Study. The Healer, 1(1), 45-47.
Review Article