Anatomical Understanding of Vitapa Marma by Means of Cadaveric Dissection

  • Jeevan Kumar Giri MD Ayur
  • Anju Thomas
  • Pratikshya Majagaiyan
  • Uma. B. Gopal
  • Hari Saran Aryal
Keywords: Vitapa Marma, Inguinal region, superficial inguinal ring.


Background of study:

Marma are those spots on the body which are painful on application of pressure and shows abnormal pulsation. Marma are conglomeration of Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi and Sandhi. [1] There are 107 Marma.[2] Individual Marma are catagorized on different groups on the basis of various aspects such as Rachananusara, Parinamanusara, Sthananusara, Pramananusara etc.

Vitapa Marma is the Adhoshakagata, Vaikalyakara Marma[3,4] of 1 Anguli Pramana.[5,6] The explanation of the Vitapa Marma in the classical texts cannot specify the particular anatomical entity so the study is undertaken to fulfill the deficit knowledge.


To evaluate the Snayu & Sira component of Vitapa Marma.

To evaluate structural entity of Vitapa Marma in relation to given Pramana and Viddha Lakshana.

Materials and methods:

Cadaveric Study. Observation of the structures exposed during cadaveric dissection and correlation with textual description were done and the conclusion was drawn.

Results: Vitapa Marma lies on the inguinal region at the superficial inguinal ring. The anatomical components of this Marma are the structures related to and passing through superficial inguinal ring.


How to Cite
Giri , J. K., Thomas, A., Majagaiyan, P., Gopal, U. B., & Aryal , H. S. (2021). Anatomical Understanding of Vitapa Marma by Means of Cadaveric Dissection. The Healer, 2(1), 68-73.
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