A comprehensive review on preventive and therapeutic profile of Dadima (Punica granatum L.) as an Aahara Kalpana (dietetic preparations) as depicted in Ayurveda

A comprehensive review of Dadima as an Aahara


Background: Fruit have been a part of the human diet since the earliest time. Dadima (Punica granatum L.) of family Lytheraceae, is one among the fruits described under Phala Varga (group of fruits), a classification under Ahara Varga (group of dietetic articles) of Charaka Samhita and has been highlighted for its wide range of use as an Ahara (diet), both preventive and curative in different diseased conditions. Aim: To have a comprehensive review on Dadima or its parts as an ingredient in various Ahara Kalpana (dietetic preparations) containing from available classical texts of Ayurveda. Results: Dadima as an ingredient being included in 634 formulations. Among them, 102 are uses as Ahara Kalpana indicated for its internal uses and 1 for external use. There are 39 formulations where Dadima is used as Bhavana Dravya during its preparation. Dadima is also recommended as an anupana for 44 formulations being indicated for various diseases.   Conclusion: Dadima as a fruit, both in preventive and therapeutic, has wide range of clinical applications. It found to be an ingredient in 103 Ahara Kalpana being indicated in 31 different disease conditions. It is also used as an anupana with other drugs for many diseases.  

Author Biography

Prof. Rabinarayan Acharya, Ph.D. (Ayu.)

Professor and Head, Department of Dravyaguna, Institute of teaching and research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat 361008

How to Cite
PATEL, V. K., & Prof. Rabinarayan Acharya. (2021). A comprehensive review on preventive and therapeutic profile of Dadima (Punica granatum L.) as an Aahara Kalpana (dietetic preparations) as depicted in Ayurveda. The Healer, 2(02), 69-80. https://doi.org/10.51649/healer.71
Review Article