The Healer <p>‘<strong>The Healer’</strong> – An International Biannual peer reviewed, open access scientific journal in Ayurveda and integrative Medicine is published biannually by Ayurveda Medical Development and Research Foundation (AMDRF) Kathmandu, Nepal. It publishes full-length original research papers, reviews, Short Communications, Letters to the Editors, Book reviews, Commentaries, case reports, case series, technical reports, Conference announcements and news. on Ayurveda and allied sciences related to traditional medical practices as well as integrative medicines. All articles published by The Healer are selected by an in-house editorial board and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers. The published open access all articles will be immediately available for reading, downloading, copying and distributing free of cost to everyone. The full length papers of the journal is accessible on the website; <a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>.</strong> The journal allows free access to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any Open Articles Initiative (OAI) -compliant institutional or subject-based repository. The journal does charge very minimal for submission, processing or publication of manuscript, and does not charge for editing, rearranging and colour reproduction of photographs. Started in 2020, the journal has continuously being contributed in the field of research, education and evidence based Ayurveda practices on the national as well as on the international platform.&nbsp;</p> Ayurveda Medical Development and Research Foundation (AMDRF) en-US The Healer 2738-9863 Subject specific Journals in Ayurveda: Time to Update? <p>Being one of the oldest traditional medicine systems, Ayurveda has long legacy to share and spread. In Vedic era, knowledge was embedded in Shruti (knowledge which is learnt) and Smriti (knowledge which is experienced) traditions.&nbsp;Later, with the evolution of tools and technology, it started being documented in forms of manuscripts. Gurukul were the knowledge resources and books were written and stored in those universities in manuscript formats. Due to some political and religious incidents, Ayurveda literature got damaged and destroyed by invaders. In middle era many scientists, Vaidyas and researchers developed their contemporary documentation.</p> Vd Foram Joshi Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 1 3 10.51649/healer.140 PREVALENCE OF KNEE PAIN IN POST-PARTUM FEMALES <p>ABSTRACT<br>Background: There is not much data present on prevalence of knee pain in post partum females in Pakistan, more studies are needed. The purpose of this study is to identify the prevalence of knee pain in postpartum females.<br>OBJECTIVE<br>The objective of the study is to determine the Prevalence of knee pain in postpartum females.<br>Methods:<br>This cross-sectional study will include 79 participants from different hospitals of Lahore fulfilling the eligibility criteria of knee pain in postpartum women. Each participant will attend a single visit which, after general information and signing of informed consent form, manually fills the compiled self-assessment questionnaire. The pre-structured valid and reliable questionnaires ( NS , VAS and BMI) will be used in this study.<br>Result: <br>The result shows that 79 postpartum females with mean age 27.45±2.363 years. The minimum age was 25 and maximum age was 35 years. In this study prevalence of knee pain in postpartum females are assessed. The mean 55.70 prevalence are present in our population. Out of 79 patients 44 % developed knee pain while 35 % patient does not develop any pain. BMI of patients are higher in overweight with 24 frequency. In further examination of a patient in table 4 the result show that patient rarely straighten their knee fully. In table 5 mostly patients often bend their knee fully. In table 6 patients shows moderate knee joint stiffness in the morning. In table 7 patient demonstrate that she had experience weekly pain in her knee. In table 8 knee pain is moderate while walking on a flat surface. In table 9 knee pain is moderate when patient going up or down stairs.</p> Saher Rasheed Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 4 13 10.51649/healer.94 Practical Significance of Rajaswala Paricharya in Modern Era <p><em>Ayurveda</em> not only teaches about the concept of treatment of illnesses but also considers the wholesome concept of way of living a healthy and long life. The topic <em>Rajaswala Paricharya</em> has been described for delineating the code of conducts to be followed by a menstruating woman for maintaining the reproductive health in an optimum state and ensuring the production of a healthy progeny. In today’s era of modernization, women are giving equal economic and professional contribution in a family and society. So, nowadays they have even more stress factors than before and are not being able to follow do’s and don’ts for their health. Lifestyle and processed food consumption have been rendering hazardous impacts on reproductive health of women in the forms of altered menstrual cycles and conditions of subfertility. Similarly, in classics intake of inappropriate <em>Aahar-bihar</em> has been believed to be the cause for the development of various sorts of <em>Yonivyapad</em> and <em>Artavadushti</em>. &nbsp;<em>Rajaswala Paricharya</em>, thus has now been more important topic to be practically implicated for improvising the present health hazards in females. Diets and practices that are to be followed and contraindicated along with their possible logical interpretation will be sought out through this article.</p> Dr. Laxmita Gaiju Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 14 25 10.51649/healer.162 Mental Health and Ayurveda: A Review <p>Around 450 million people currently suffer from mental diseases, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide while mental health services in South-East Asia tend to be urban-centered and hospital-based and 80%-90% of populations have no access to treatment. The prevalence of the mental disorders are increasing day-by-day globally.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The equilibrium between the <em>dosha-dhatu-mala</em> (physiological functioning), mind, body and soul is considered as health in Ayurveda. The emphasis is given to the normal functioning of the emotion, cognition and mental health, and mental faculties of an individual has been indicated as the <em>nidana</em> (etiological factor) for many physical and mental disorder.</p> <p>The mental faculties of an individual is described in term of <em>manas</em> in ayurveda. The word <em>manas</em> is derived from root word mana which means to think and it is considered to be the cause of mental well being. In the contemporary science the mind and brain activities are considered complimentary. In Ayurvedic text vivid description about <em>manas</em> (mind), causes, treatment and prevention of <em>manasa vyadhi</em> (mental disorder) are given and the mental well being is considered most important.</p> <p>The causes of mental disorder are multitude in Ayurveda. The prime cause of <em>manasa vyadhi</em>(mental disorder) is <em>pragyaparadha</em> (volitional transgression). Other causes include violation of <em>sadvritta</em> (code of conduct), improper <em>aahara </em>and <em>vihaara </em>(food and lifestyle) or even may be due to the <em>papa karma</em>(sinful act) performed in this life or previous life. Even the physical disease can be the etiology of mental disorder and vice-versa.</p> <p>The emphasis in <em>swasthavritta</em>(health regimens), <em>sadvritta</em>(correct behaviour, code of conduct), <em>achara rasayana</em> (ideal behaviour),&nbsp; <em>medhya rasayana</em> (nootropic drugs)and <em>yoga</em> are given in Ayurveda to prevent from mental ailments. The treatment of <em>manasa vyadhi</em> may be different according to the <em>hetu</em>(causes) or the symptoms of the individual. The therapeutic approaches are different to each and every individual according to the vitiated <em>shariraka (vata, pitta and kapha )</em>and <em>manasika dosha (raja and tama)</em>.</p> <p>The aim of this paper will be to collect the description regarding the mental health in the ayurvedic text and to describe its relevance in the present context and their role in the maintenance of mental wellbeing.</p> Dr. Renu Khayamali Sowmya Bhat Rameswori Khayamali Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 26 40 10.51649/healer.132 preventive aspect of Ayurveda & Yoga in Hypertension <p>Abstract- Today is the era of technology. Due to easy access of everything, people are becoming fat and devices thinner. Because of the easiness, world is now suffering from lifestyle disorders rather than contagious disease. Contagious disease can be cured may be early or later but lifestyle disorder is dificult to cure once they enter complication. One of the condition of lifestyle disorder is Hypertension. Almost 30% of world population is hypertensive till date. Still 15-20% population are unaware of the condition. Due to modernization, lack of exercise, smoking and drinking habits as&nbsp; fashion, food habits, etc&nbsp; younger generations are also getting into the problem. Symptoms usually are unnoticed till it damages heart, kidney or brain, therefore it is also called as Silent Killer. Many hypertensive drugs are in use for hypertension just to control the blood pressure. As per Ayurveda Classics, its aim it to protect the health of healthy person, and treat the diseased condition. Our classics has not described single disease which can be understood as hypertension. So according to our classics such condition should be treated using our <em>Yukti</em>(proper planning) and recognising <em>Dosha</em> ( 3 pillars of body) and <em>Dushya </em>(body tissues). This article is an attempt to how one can avoid the condition of hypertension through <em>Aahar</em> (food), <em>Yoga</em> (body postures) and <em>Pranayama </em>(breathing exercise). We aim to prevent disease, hence the preventive aspect can be understood in this topic.</p> Pratibha Tripathi Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 40 48 10.51649/healer.90 A Review Article: An Ayurvedic Approach on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) W.S.R Paripluta Yonivyapda <p>Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a spectrum of infection and inflammation of upper female genital tract organs. It has polymicrobial etiology. Primary organisms are sexually transmitted whereas secondary organisms are normally present in the vagina. PID is a major problem to reproductive health of young women. In 85 per cent of the cases it is due to spontaneous exposure in sexually active women whereas in 15 per cent it is followed by gynecological procedures. Patient may present with varying degrees of symptoms. Clinical features include lower abdominal and pelvic pain, dyspareunia, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, unusual local discharges, etc. Its immediate complications can be peritonitis and septicemia and may eventually lead to dyspareunia, pelvic adhesions, perihepatitis, chronic pelvic pain, ill-health, infertility and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Diagnosis is mostly based on clinical assessment and empiric antibiotic therapy is suggested for its management. Public education; screening, tracing and treating the partner/partners and follow-up, re-assessment and good counseling are essential steps of treatment. <em>Ayurveda</em> classical and text books, textbooks on modern gynaecology, online websites and published research papers were studied to understand PID in context of Ayurveda, to explore various treatment modalities of both domains and to know the<em> Kriyakala </em>(stage of the disease) in which <em>Ayurveda</em> can have impactful interventions. <em>Ayurveda</em> treatment modalities can be incorporated with modern medical practices for gratifying result in multitude of manifestations of the disease. Substantial studies are yet in need to yoke together the knowledge of <em>Ayurveda</em> and modern science to develop rewarding integrated approach.</p> Kiran Kamal Bastakoti Kajal Jha Dikshya Paudel Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 49 60 10.51649/healer.126 Applicability of Paleography in Manuscriptology w.s.r to Critical Edition of Ayurvedic manuscripts <p>Most of the available manuscripts especially Ayurvedic manuscripts are written in the scripts like, grantha sharada, telungu Devanagari, nevari,Tibetan etc in languages like Prākrita, Pāḷi, Saṃskṛta, Apabhraṃśa, Tamiletc .In the critical edition process the first step after collection of manuscript is the transliteration of the manuscripts available in different script into one common script. It indicates the importance of knowledge about different scripts in the critical edition of manuscripts. Objective are to study the different steps in critical edition of manuscripts and to study the importance of paleography in manuscriptology. Transliteration of the manuscript into common script is a crucial step in the edition process of manuscripts. Paleography has pivotal role in critical edition of manuscripts.</p> Dr.Aswathy PB Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 61 65 10.51649/healer.158 Management of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis with Agnikarma – A Case Report <p style="font-weight: 400;">De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is a painful condition in which common tendon sheath of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis is inflamed or thickened, about 3.25 cm proximal to the tip of radial styloid process on the lateral aspect of wrist. It leads to narrowing of the intrathecal lumen.<a href="applewebdata://4952A7F2-2CD2-488D-81AD-4601169FB5DD#_edn1" name="_ednref1">[i]</a> It can result due to repetitive stress, hormonal influence, rheumatoid disease, trauma or degenerative changes. Females are more affected than males. The clinical features include pain on lateral aspect of wrist that is increased on extension and abduction movements of the thumb. Pain may progress in severity to an extent of significant disability. Splinting of the thumb, injection of corticosteroids into the tendon sheath and surgical release of the first dorsal compartment are adopted in the contemporary medical science to manage it. In Ayurveda, the infliction of <em>Ruja</em> (pain) and <em>Karma Kshaya </em>(diminution in the normal activity/disability) has been attributed to vitiation of <em>Vata Dosha. </em>Excessively painful conditions of bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments constitute the indications for <em>Agnikarma</em> (therapeutic heating).</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">In this case study, a 52 years old female who was a housewife, visited the outdoor patient department (OPD) of Shalya Tantra at hospital of National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. She presented with the chief complaints of having severe pain at the radial side of the right wrist with difficulty in performing household work for the last six months. On palpation, there was tenderness at the site with a feebly palpable swelling. The Finkelstein’s test was positive. This case was managed with conductive method of <em>Agnikarma </em>using a <em>Swarna Shalaka </em>(rod made up of 14 K gold) with positive outcomes. This case study is presented here to emphasize the applicability of a traditional pain management therapy viz. <em>Agnikarma </em>in modern clinical practice.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Aditya Sharma Saroj Mani Pokhrel Manorma Singh Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 66 72 10.51649/healer.128 The Role of Ayurveda in managing Cerebral Palsy in Children: A Holistic Approach <p>Cerebral palsy (CP) is a complex neurological condition that affects motor function and often co-occurring with cognitive and sensory deficits with a range of challenges. Ayurveda views CP as a manifestation of imbalances in the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and focuses on restoring harmony through personalized treatments. This abstract explores the Ayurvedic perspective on CP and its management and upcoming challenges. This paper explores the remarkable progress and improvements observed in a 3 year-old child diagnosed with cerebral palsy and documents the progressive milestones achieved in child, including improved mobility, better communication skills, and increased independence in daily activities.&nbsp; The study examines the multi-disciplinary approach to treatment and the combined effects of internal medicine and panchakarma therapies improved the therapeutic outcome of patient. Further research and collaborative studies are warranted to validate the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments in the management of cerebral palsy. Early intervention, initiated at the age of 3, played a crucial role in enhancing his motor skills and functional independence. By highlighting this case, I aim to inspire hope and encourage early intervention and holistic care for children with cerebral palsy by ayurveda, ultimately enhancing their quality of life and promoting their overall well-being.</p> Dr Aakanksha Jaiswal Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 73 87 10.51649/healer.159 AN AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF VANDHYATVA ASSOCIATED WITH POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN DISEASE: A CASE REPORT <p>In <em>Ayurveda</em>, Infertility is correlated with <em>'Vandhyatva</em>,' which can result from various factors like <em>'Yoni</em> <em>Pradosha'</em> (abnormalities in the female genital tract), <em>'Manaso</em> <em>Abhigata'</em> (psychological issues), <em>'Sukra</em>-<em>Asrik</em> <em>Dosha'</em> (abnormalities in sperm and ovum) and <em>'Ahara</em>-<em>Vihara</em> <em>Dosha'</em> (improper diet and lifestyle). PCOS is a common hormonal disorder in women, causing irregular periods, excessive hair growth and weight gain. It affects fertility due to anovulation or oligovulation. In classical texts, PCOS is correlated to <em>'Pushpaghni</em> <em>Jathaharini</em>,' denoting fertility challenges with symptoms like obesity (<em>'Sthulya'</em>) and hirsutism (<em>'Lomasa</em> <em>Ganda'</em>). <em>Vata</em> and <em>Kapha</em> are the key <em>Doshas</em> involved with <em>'Shukra</em>,' <em>'Asrik</em>,' <em>'Ahara</em>,' and <em>'Manasa'</em> as causative factors. A 22-year-old female patient was reported to PTSR OPD with complaints of irregular menses with increased intervals and wanted to conceive irrespective of unprotected sexual intercourse since 3 years. Her USG was suggestive of B/L Polycystic ovarian disease. Semen analysis of her husband was normal. <strong>Aims and Objectives: </strong>To improve the qualities of <em>Garbhasambhava</em> <em>Samagri </em>with the help of<em> Samshodhan Karma, Uttar Basti </em>along with<em> Shaman Chikitsa. </em><strong>Results:</strong> After <em>Ayurvedic</em> management, patient conceived and carrying a healthy pregnancy. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study concluded that the treatment administered was highly effective in treating infertility related to PCOS.</p> Dr. Akshita Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 88 98 10.51649/healer.160 Management of Hyperuricemia By Ayurveda Approach w.e.f. Gout <p>Due to presence of Monosodium urate and Monohydrate crystals in body, certain chemical reaction occurs at joints or periarticular tissues in body characterized as Gout in modern science. Due to fault lifestyle including food habits, physical activity or work, prevalence of Gout is raising among population. Presence of deposition of uric acid and raise in level of uric acid is cardinal feature of Gout which is mostly managed by analgesic, glucocorticoids or other acid lowering therapies like xanthine oxidase inhibitor or uricosurics drugs.</p> <p>On correlating with the sign and symptoms of Gouty arthritis, <em>Vata-Rakta</em> is <em>Vyadhi</em> mentioned similarly in Ayurveda literature, in which Vitiated <em>Vata</em> and <em>Rakta</em> <em>Dosha</em> both localized in multiple joints of body. A female patient with raised uric acid and mild edematous swelling at joints of upper and lower limb was treated with Ayurveda oral medication for initial 15 days which showed a dramatic improvement in level of uric acid along with reduction of swelling on joints. Uric acid lowered from 7.8 mg/dl to 2.4mg/dl in 15 days with only conservative management. Relief in complaints like pain and burning sensation got also reduced.</p> <p>This case study provides us the guidelines to manage gouty arthritis as per Ayurveda Siddhant in effective and safer way</p> Poona Nath Chouhan Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 99 103 10.51649/healer.125 Case study of Ama roga with respect to hypersensitivity type I reaction <p>Ayurveda is the <em>veda</em> recalled by Lord Brahma at the dawn of human existence for the betterment of human life in <em>swarga loka</em> and <em>Prithvi Loka</em>. It is therefore <em>Anadi </em>i.e. with no beginning nor ending, <em>Sashwat</em> I.e. eternal and with its own basic principles. The principle of <em>Agni </em>and <em>Ama</em> is one of them. <em>Agni</em> is considered as the prime factor in the maintenance of life whereas if same <em>agni </em>is in in equilibrium state the ingested food taken is not digested properly leading to formation of toxin particles that is known as <em>Ama </em>which can further prevent proper nurture of rasa <em>raktadi dhatus</em>. So, <em>ama</em> can be defined as a substance which is involved in the process of <em>paka</em> without attaining its final form being circulated via blood in body as foreign particle or free radicles and over a long period of time may get converted into <em>amabisha</em>. For which tissue consider as allergens and develops a reaction either to opsonize it or to eliminate that which reaction is known as hypersensitivity. The dysfunction arises out of that reaction is called allergic disorder. Hence all allergic disorders are to be considered as <em>samarogas</em> and the principles of <em>samarogas chikitsa</em> should be adapted to relieve and cure the condition. Therefore, a patient with known case of hypersensitivity type I allergy to milk, egg and shrimp was treated with same principle and had got satisfactory result.</p> Nikee Maharjan Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 104 110 10.51649/healer.157 Alcoholic Liver Disease: An Integrated Approach – Case Study <p>Liver, the largest organ of human body, is located in the right upper quadrant of abdomen. Deterioration of liver function markers with inflammation is hepatitis.&nbsp; Deterioration of liver function induced by alcohol is termed under alcoholic liver disease. Liver diseases are progressive in nature and require utmost care and support. Present case was studied and aimed to evaluate efficacy of Ayurveda principle and allopathic principles in a combined way to ease the liver function and bring back to normalcy. In this case, a 50 yrs. old male patient presented to Kayachikitsa OPD of Ayurveda Chikitsalaya Nardevi with the complain of yellowish discoloration of eyes associated with loss of sleep and itching. Management was done following thorough history taking, careful clinical examination, laboratory investigation, diet and drug adjustment. Under principles of ayurveda and allopathy, virechana and gut sterility, Guduchi, Rohitkyadi and Punarnawa, Liv 52 DS, Livoluk, Zanocalm, Pantoprazole, Rifaximin, Thiamine was prescribed. Treatment showed remarkable improvement in liver function in 1 week medication and normalcy of LFT was attained upon 137<sup>th</sup> day of medication.</p> Dr. Hari Sharan Aryal Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 111 117 10.51649/healer.161 Advancing Inclusive and Democratic Medical Pluralism in Nepal <p>Medical pluralism is the rule around the world rather than the exception. The type of medical pluralism that exists in many settings, however, is hierarchical, exclusionary, and undemocratic. Medical pluralism has official acceptance in Nepal, where both biomedicine and traditional systems of medicine have legitimate space in formal health care system. However, traditional systems of medicine fall far behind in terms of budgetary allocation, institutional strengths, service delivery, education and research, and local medical systems have not yet attained legitimate status. This paper offers a perspective on the structure of medical pluralism and suggests some measures that can contribute to Nepal's efforts toward inclusive and democratic medical pluralism.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Bamdev Subedi Copyright (c) 2023 The Healer 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 118 125 10.51649/healer.141